Tuesday, October 18, 2011


High School
 This was in the eight grade when I was pretty skinny and I think my weight was around 150-160. I had a decent amount of muscle but was still pretty skinny.
 This is sophomore year where I had put on some muscle but at the same time put on some fat. The reason for putting on the fat was that I had gotten injured and managed to severly injure my hip to the point where I was in a wheelchair for about a week and a few months on crutches. The hip injury was apparently the second most painful injury you can get,lol they wouldn't tell me what the number one was. Well to put it in short terms the injury made me chubby, but i still managed to put on some muscle.
So this is Junior year and I was fairly built. Once again another football injury had caused me to gain weight and i had to work my way back up. The injury was a torn right rotater cuff that was caused during a game ,from a teammate falling on my arm after I made the tackle :(.  At the time my weight was around 185, but I still had a fair amount of muscle considering I could squat a little over 405lb about 5 times and could bench 225 in 3 sets of 10.
Okay so this is senior year and ya lol. This was the low point of my life and I was depressed and close to having type two diabetes. My weight was 230-235 and can you guess why i put on more weight? That's right another injury. The injury was a completely torn out ACL that made me miss my entire senior year of football. A torn ACL basically made me say forget even trying to work out.I managed to lose some weight before graduation and get down to around 220. This photo was the photo that made me look at myself after graduation and realize, wow i really need to lose weight.
Graduation(220-230) 2010

HanhChampion FTW

Yes I do have stretch mark on my belly what do you expect after losing a lot of weight. So these are some pics and at the time I believed I was buff lol. I managed to lose some weight using my own workouts learned from football which got me to around 185 in which but I  plateaud for about 2 months and still had a high body fat percentage. I had begun following Hanhchampions blog 2 months prior to these pics and followed his workouts and advice. This was when I really began to put on some real muscle and this pic was taken at 179(19%body fat).Prior to following Hanh's blog and videos (Ice1cube too lol) I was probably around 23% bodyfat and 185.

This is about 5 months after using Hanhchampion's program and when I started to really start seeing progress. My weight in these pictures is 170 at 17%. This is also the day when I began consistently portioning my meals and began drinking a gallon of water after going over Hanh's basic dieting video.

Current Day (10/18/2011)
So this is me currently and I am currently at 168 ,15% bodyfat. BTW I don't really like taking pics with my shirt off lol. Okay I'm not gunna lie for the past two weeks I took a minor break because of a tweaked back from deadlifts and the cycling of my preworkout supplement, and I was at 163 two weeks ago. It doesn't matter because recovering an injury to the fullest is always the top priority. Anyways yesterday started my 12 week strict diet and today is my very first day of starting this blog. I would like to thank Hanchampion and Wongy for inspiring me to make make this blog to keep track of my progress and for simply inspiring me to progress even further. And I would also like to say that Hanchampion's program and advice is 100% foolproof because my results from the last 7 months has a lot to do with what I learned from him.

As of today my weight is 168 and at 15% body fat. My goal for the next 12 weeks is to lose 10 pounds and get between 12-13% body fat. My overall goal is to get to 155 and 8% body fat. My height is at 5'6 so that sounds about right.


  1. Fantastic progress mate! Keep up the good work. I will be sure to follow your journey to a shredded body!

  2. Thanks, for sure. I just need to figure out how to use this blog, it's kinda confusing because it's my first time ever making a blog lol.
